• 29 сентября 2018, суббота
  • Москва, Russia

Russian Venice Day Trip

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2058 дней назад
29 сентября 2018 c 8:00 до 22:00

Day trip with foreigners to Pereslavl Zalessky with full free fun program, all details please check in our group in the facebook.

Let’s go together to an exciting and picturesque town of Pereslavl Zalessky! We will ride bus and play road games, on place we’ll be divided into three groups, each will has its own route to explore. 

What to expect? Awesome people, delicious traditional Russian food, fun picnic near the lake.

What to bring with you? An umbrella just in case, games to play in bus if you have any, great mood and enthusiastic explorer attitude!

How much? You will spend around 1500 rub (include bus rides both ways, tickets to museums, snacks and drinks for picnic)
Extra money for souveniers and lunch in the Russian cuisine cafe. But be cool, one of the Pereslavl’s virtues is not-Moscow-like prices!


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