• 19 июля 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Садовая-Спасская улица 12/23 стр 2

FuckUp night International edition in Charity Shop

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Другие события организатора

2130 дней назад
19 июля 2018 c 19:30 до 22:00
Садовая-Спасская улица 12/23 стр 2

4 short presentations, fun networking game to meet new people and practice your English skills along with a possibility to try magnificent tea and win a very special prize from our partners!

4 speakers will share their most epic fails’ stories in sustainable fashion (slow fashion, conscious consumerism, zero waste pattern cutting and other trends and ways of the field), recycled refashion, environmental inititatives, and social entrepreneurship start ups!

Why? Because it’s fun and we can all learn from it!
How? In short 7 min presentations after each audience will have 3-5 minutes for Q&A. 
What else? Socializing game and a chance to win a special prize from our partner. 
How much? It’s a FREE event, you just have to pay the anti-cafe fee 2,5 rub/min.


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